Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for postcodes

2 posts tagged “postcodes”


Royal Mail: closing job search over data dispute while sacking workers. The Royal Mail have cease-and-desisted, a free postcode geocoding API which powers a number of UK open democracy sites. One of the sites is Job Centre Pro Plus, creating a perfect opportunity for an ORG press release.

# 5th October 2009, 3:39 pm / openrightsgroup, royalmail, postcodes, freeyourdata, ernestmaples, geocoding

GeoDjango and the UK postcode database. Excellent introduction to GeoDjango using the recently leaked UK postcode database. Obviously, you should only follow the steps in this tutorial using the officially licensed database, available for a mere £1,700.

# 30th September 2009, 2:25 pm / postcodes, uk, geodjango, django, gis, chris-lamb