Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for memoryleaks

4 posts tagged “memoryleaks”


Finding and fixing memory leaks in Python. Using Dozer, a clever piece of WSGI middleware which displays sparklines of Python object counts and allows you to introspect them, using the gc module under the hood.

# 22nd April 2009, 12:16 pm / amir-salihefendic, python, debugging, memory, memoryleaks, wsgi, middleware


IE ActiveX(“htmlfile”) Transport, Part II. Fascinating tricks for working around IE memory leaks using explicit CollectGarbage() calls and setInterval() to an empty function.

# 19th November 2007, 11:48 am / htmlfile, ie, memoryleaks, javascript, comet, activex

Apparently if you try to remove/destroy/trash a FORM dom node in IE6, it won't delete it, instead creating a bizarre orphaned node stuck sucking up memory until the browser window is refreshed.

Jon Sykes

# 20th September 2007, 1:04 pm / ie6, javascript, memoryleaks, jon-sykes

Fixing GC issues on IE 6: New IE download. Microsoft have released Windows Script Host / Script Runtime version 5.7, which apparently cleans up a bunch of IE 6 memory leaks.

# 17th August 2007, 11:50 pm / ie6, internet-explorer, microsoft, windowsscripthost, javascript, memoryleaks