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2 posts tagged “mechanical-turk”


llm-sort (via) Delightful LLM plugin by Evangelos Lamprou which adds the ability to perform "semantic search" - allowing you to sort the contents of a file based on using a prompt against an LLM to determine sort order.

Best illustrated by these examples from the README:

llm sort --query "Which names is more suitable for a pet monkey?" names.txt

cat titles.txt | llm sort --query "Which book should I read to cook better?"

It works using this pairwise prompt, which is executed multiple times using Python's sorted(documents, key=functools.cmp_to_key(compare_callback)) mechanism:

Given the query:

Compare the following two lines:

Line A:

Line B:

Which line is more relevant to the query? Please answer with "Line A" or "Line B".

From the comments, Cole Kurashige:

I'm not saying I'm prescient, but in The Before Times I did something similar with Mechanical Turk

This made me realize that so many of the patterns we were using against Mechanical Turk a decade+ ago can provide hints about potential ways to apply LLMs.

# 11th February 2025, 8:50 pm / llm, plugins, generative-ai, ai, llms, python, mechanical-turk


Cheap, Easy Audio Transcription with Mechanical Turk. Andy Baio’s in-depth tutorial on submitting HITs to Mechanical Turk. I hadn’t realised how straight forward and powerful the interface has become.

# 25th September 2008, 6:37 pm / andy-baio, mechanical-turk, amazon, transcription