6 posts tagged “make”
Johnny Chung Lee: Projects Wii. Awe-inspiring hardware hacks built on top of the Wiimote, including a dirt cheap interactive whiteboard and a head tracking system that turns a normal display in to a 3D VR environment.
Binary marble adding machine. Watch the video.
Reducing HTTP requests using make. Nice simple recipe for concatenating JavaScript in to one file using make—doesn’t do anything for cache-busting though.
Quakr 7d Tiltometer. How the Quakr team built their own seven dimensional metadata camera using sellotape, protractors and a ball of string.
Balancing One-Wheeled Scooter. Technical details of the scooter I linked to earlier.
Meet the one wheel balancing scooter. Home made one wheeled motorised scooter that looks like a skateboard and self-balances like a Segway.