3 posts tagged “lugradiolive”
LUG Radio Live and Ask Later
I attended two grassroots technology events in the past two weeks: LUG Radio Live 2006 and London Ask Later (previously known as Techa Kucha night, name changed after some emails from the holders of the UK Pecha Kucha trademark). Both were excellent events in their own right, and great examples of event organisation done on a small to non-existent budget.
[... 820 words]2005
LUG Radio Live
I’ve been very busy for the last three days. My last two exams (HCI and Marketing) were on Thursday evening and Friday morning respectively, followed by a celebratory barbecue. I was up at 7am on Saturday to get up to Wolverhampton for LUG Radio Live, then back to Bath again by 5.30pm for our graduation summer ball. Finally, I’m heading off to Denmark in the early hours of Monday morning for a week and a bit of camping and Roskilde Let’s hope it’s a bit drier than Glastonbury was.
[... 322 words]LugRadio Live
The guys over at LugRadio (nice new site, see Stuart’s blog for gnarly implementation details) have announced the details of their long hinted-at Linux event, LugRadio Live. I’m pretty excited about it; word on the grape vine is that they’re booking some really cool speakers, but they’re completely committed to keeping a grassroots feel to things. The 15 minute lightning talks should be a lot of fun (I’ve tentatively offered one on Firefox extensions) and it sounds like the atmosphere will reflect that of the show—irreverent, fun and with a trip to the pub afterwards.
[... 128 words]