Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for leosoto

2 posts tagged “leosoto”


Django-Jython 1.1.0 released. Django on Jython matches its minor version numbers to Django, so this new release is compatible with Django 1.1.

# 16th December 2009, 10:42 pm / django, python, jython, leosoto

Django-Jython 1.0.0 released! Now with database backends for PostgreSQL, Oracle and MySQL. The next release (planned for next month) should provide full compatibility with Django 1.1—the current release has 1.1 support for PostgreSQL but only 1.0 support for the other two databases.

# 9th November 2009, 1:53 pm / oracle, mysql, postgresql, django, jython, python, leosoto