Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for lego

4 posts tagged “lego”


Logos in Lego Town. “Unlike the railways, there have been a multitude of different airline logos in Lego land – indicating a de-regulated market and open competition.”

# 3rd October 2009, 10:28 pm / lego, design, logos, branding


Kellogg’s™ Lego® Fruit Flavored Snacks (via) On the one hand, from a child safety point of view this is clearly one of most stupid product ideas in recent history. On the other hand, I really, really want some.

# 19th June 2008, 8:38 am / lego, kelloggs, safety, pennyarcade


Boxing Day toy discovery: Mega Bloks not compatible with Duplo! See, Alex Russell? THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU INNOVATE AHEAD OF STANDARDS

Yoz Grahame

# 26th December 2007, 5:58 pm / alex-russell, lego, duplo, megabloks, standards, web-standards, twitter, yozgrahame

Lego Millenium Falcon Stop Motion. This introduced me to a whole world of YouTube Star Wars lego stop motion videos.

# 3rd July 2007, 11:03 pm / milleniumfalcon, animation, lego, starwars, stopmotion, youtube