3 posts tagged “kriszyp”
Multi-node: Concurrent NodeJS HTTP Server. Kris Zyp’s library for spawning multiple Node child processes (one per core is suggested) for concurrent request handling, taking advantage of Node’s child_process module. This alleviates the need to run multiple Node instances behind an nginx load balancer in order to take advantage of multiple cores.
Secure mashups with dojox.secure (via) dojox.secure is brilliant and terrifying at the same time. It provides a full featured API for running untrusted JavaScript in a sandbox, by parsing and validating that code against a variant of Douglas Crockford’s ADsafe JavaScript subset. It could be fantastically useful, but it’s difficult to judge how secure this approach really is.
A Taxonomy of Event- and REST-based Comet. Kris Zyp describes a conceptual model for Comet messages based on REST semantics (so you can send a PUT referencing a specific URI down to a client to represent an idempotent state change).