Simon Willison’s Weblog

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6 posts tagged “highrise”


OpenID support in Blinksale (via) Blinksale + Highrise + Basecamp means you can run your small business on OpenID.

# 10th July 2007, 7:45 am / openid, blinksale, highrise, basecamp, 37-signals, chris-messina

OpenID: Why, how, 37signals. 37signals just enabled OpenID on Basecamp as well as Highrise. This is their excellent attempt at explaining its benefits.

# 28th June 2007, 1:38 am / highrise, basecamp, openid, 37-signals

Highrise Forum: Cases for the Rest of Us. My biggest problem with Highrise: I could really do with cases, but I just can’t justify shelling out $50 a month for them when I only need one user.

# 21st March 2007, 2:01 am / highrise, cases

Highrise Forum: Using the undocumented API. Add .xml to the end of many URLs in Highrise to get an XML representation of that page.

# 19th March 2007, 11:29 pm / highrise, rest, xml, api

Highrise. The new online contact manager from 37signals—exactly the tool I need for managing my freelancing, and it even accepts OpenID.

# 19th March 2007, 10:39 pm / highrise, 37-signals, openid

37 Signals’ next app Highrise will support OpenID. I can’t wait to see how the 37 Signals team deal with the UI challenges involved in supporting OpenID logins.

# 7th March 2007, 9:23 am / openid, 37-signals, highrise