Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for exif

2 posts tagged “exif”


IMG-2-JSON (via) I’m not the only person deploying simple JSON-P APIs on App Engine: Adam Burmister’s tool extracts dimension, mimetype and EXIF metadata when provided the URL to an image file.

# 12th August 2008, 9:43 am / jsonp, appengine, img2json, adam-burmister, mimetype, exif, json, api


Extracting EXIF data with Python

I’ve been rewriting the photo gallery management system for in Python. One of the new features is that the system can automagically extract caption and photographer information from the photos, provided the information has previously been added to the jpeg file as EXIF data. I tried several methods of doing this but eventually settled on because it worked straight away using a simple process_file() function and doesn’t require any additional software. Recommended.