Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for errors

3 posts tagged “errors”


RFC 7807: Problem Details for HTTP APIs (via) This RFC has been brewing for quite a while, and is currently in last call (ends 2022-11-03). I’m designing the JSON error messages for Datasette at the moment so this could not be more relevant for me.

# 1st November 2022, 3:15 am / standards, http, rfc, json, errors, mark-nottingham


Writing Bulletproof Apps with API Errorpoints. This is a very good idea: Web APIs should offer special API endpoints for simulating each of the possible errors that might be returned by the production API.

# 16th August 2010, 7:12 pm / apis, errors, webapis, recovered


Poorly Macbook, ineffective error message design. Nat’s MacBook died the other day, throwing out some impressively meaningless error symbols. How exactly are you meant to Google for a circle with a line through it?

# 13th January 2008, 11:31 pm / google, macbook, apple, usability, natalie-downe, errors, searchability