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3 posts tagged “ebs”


MySQL backups with EBS snapshots. Assaf Arkin’s 45 line ruby script shows how to lock tables / XFS freeze / create an EBS snapshot / unfreeze and unlock, with hourly snapshots preserved for the past 24 hours and daily snapshots for the past week. Is an EBS snapshot enough to restore your data to somewhere other than EC2 though?

# 13th October 2009, 12:34 pm / assaf-arkin, ruby, ec2, mysql, ebs, cloud, backups


Persistent Django on Amazon EC2 and EBS—the easy way. Useful tutorial on getting Django up and running on EC2 with EBS for a persistent PostgreSQL database.

# 21st August 2008, 9:32 pm / aws, ec2, amazon, ebs, django, python, postgresql

Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS). EC2 just got a whole lot more useful—you can now create “block level storage volumes” (think virtual hard drives) and mount them to an EC2 instance for real persistent storage—but because they’re virtual you can clone them, snapshot them and benefit from automatic replication.

# 21st August 2008, 10:15 am / amazon, ec2, ebs