Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for augmentedreality

3 posts tagged “augmentedreality”


Real-time photogrammetry with #ARKit. Astonishing photogrammetry demo by Tim Field using ARKit in iOS 11.3.

# 10th March 2018, 10:32 am / ios, augmentedreality


Bokode (via) New take on the humble barcode from the MIT Media Lab—Bokodes are 3mm wide but can be read at a distance by a regular digital camera lens using out of focus photography, exploiting the bokeh effect. The way in which the Bokode is read allows both distance and relative angle to the camera to be derived, making it ideal for Augmented Reality systems.

# 23rd August 2009, 10:29 am / augmentedreality, bokode, bokeh, optics, barcodes, mitmedialab