5 posts tagged “archive”
Vintage Ad Browser. Fantastic. 100,000+ vintage advertisements scanned and organised by date and topic, going all the way back to the 1840s and covering every decade in between. An absolute gold mine.
tinyarchive.org. Blaine Cook’s archive of 301 and 302 redirects—needs to be automatically updated by a crawler for it to be really useful though.
TinyURL—Archiveteam. Excellent: the Internet Archive are crawling TinyURL (and hopefully other URL shortening services as well). The wiki page was created back in January. UPDATE from comments: Archiveteam are a separate organisation from the Internet Archive.
Eviction, or the Coming Datapocalypse. Jason Scott on AOL’s closure of Hometown, their hosting service. In related news, Lycos just announced they are closing Tripod, which has been providing free hosting for 13 years.
ficlets memorial. Here’s a great argument for Creative Commons—AOL shut down Ficlets without providing an archive or export tool, but the license meant Ficlets co-creator Kevin Lawver could scrape and preserve all of the content anyway.