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5 posts tagged “annevankesteren”


Ignoring reality in favour of what we would like to be true doesn't actually work. This simple axiom probably underlies almost everything the WHATWG has done so far, and it has so far served us well.

Ian Hickson

# 7th April 2008, 7:24 am / annevankesteren, whatwg, ian-hickson


SVG and text/html. Anne van Kesteren discusses the need for SVG and MathML to be embeddable in HTML 5, not just XHTML.

# 17th October 2007, 4:06 pm / html, html5, svg, annevankesteren, xhtml, mathml

Opera 9.5 (Kestrel). The latest Opera alpha includes a bunch of CSS3 features (including an almost full implementation of CSS3 Selectors) as well as the ability to use SVG for scalable background images.

# 4th September 2007, 10:49 am / svg, opera, opera95, css3, selectors, annevankesteren, browsers, releases

HTML5 differences from HTML4. Useful guide, collated by Anne van Kesteren.

# 16th June 2007, 12:31 am / annevankesteren, html5, html

Improve your forms using HTML5! (via) Anne Van Kesteren demonstrates the Web Forms 2 support in Opera 9—new form attributes include autofocus, required and type=email.

# 13th March 2007, 2:08 pm / html5, opera, annevankesteren, webforms2