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3 posts tagged “activemq”


A couple of years ago when I was working on a now defunct search engine, we were using ActiveMQ to pass messages between the frontend and the backend. The system was unreliable, flaky, and hard to debug. It delivered exactly none of the reliability queues promised. [...] More likely there's something wrong with the whole design of network systems based on message queues, and we need to start developing alternatives.

Elliotte Rusty Harold

# 5th February 2009, 10:53 pm / message-queues, activemq, elliotte-rusty-harold

Visualising Radio, pushing, not pulling. The BBC’s new radio player uses Comet over a Flash XMLsocket connection transport, with an ActiveMQ message queue behind the scenes. I’d like to know what server they’re using to broadcast out to the XMLsocket connections.

# 13th January 2009, 12:59 am / bbc, duncan-robertson, activemq, comet, flash, javascript, xmlsocket

2007 A Python client library for accessing ActiveMQ using the STOMP protocol. Pleasantly simple API for both sending and accepting messages.

# 1st August 2007, 1:50 pm / python, activemq, messaging, stomp