Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged mac, osx

Filters: mac × osx × Sorted by date Neat idea: write a CGI script that turns a proprietary API (in this case the SalesForce events API) in to standard ical format, then run it on your Mac’s local Apache server and subscribe to it from iCal. # 27th June 2008, 8:09 am

iTimeMachine. Enables Time Machine to see network drives (a ReadyNAS NV+ for example). There’s also a defaults setting but it didn’t seem to work; this did. # 29th January 2008, 11:33 pm

MacHeist Bundle. Everything’s now unlocked, meaning you can pick up TaskPaper, CSSEdit, Snapz Pro X (excellent for screencasts) and Pixelmator for $49. # 16th January 2008, 9:44 pm

BBC iPlayer now supports streaming Flash for Mac and Linux. Absolutely fantastic—it Just Works, you hit the homepage and you can be watching video in seconds. No need to even sign up for an account. I imagine IP ranges are used to block access from outside the UK. # 14th December 2007, 12:36 pm

PostgreSQL for Mac (via) Looks like a great way of getting PostgreSQL up and running on a Mac. # 10th July 2007, 8:24 am

So long Safari?

All browsers have bugs—especially relating to fancy JavaScript stuff. Any truly complex web application is likely to run in to browser bugs, and fixing them takes a whole bunch of time. Bugs in IE and Firefox are pretty well understood, as are the workarounds for them.

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