Simon Willison’s Weblog


Blogmarks tagged html5, ipad

Filters: Type: blogmark × html5 × ipad × Sorted by date

Is This Really The Future of Magazines or Why Didn’t They Just Use HTML 5? A scathing critique of the new Wired iPad app, which weighs in at 500MB per issue due to storing every single page as two static PNG images—one for landscape and one for portrait mode. “The only real differentiation between the Wired application and a multimedia CD-ROM is the delivery mechanism: you download it via the App Store versus buying a CD-ROM”. # 28th May 2010, 12:13 pm in HTML5. Uses SVG (scripted by JavaScript) and the audio element. Finally, comes to the iPad. # 20th May 2010, 3:26 pm

Flash CS5 will export to HTML5 Canvas. This looks pretty awesome—Illustrator CS5 and Flash CS5 can export to a new “FXG” format, and Adobe are providing a JavaScript library to load that format via Ajax and render the contents (including Flash animations) in a canvas element. Could be great for displaying newspaper infographics on the iPad. # 11th April 2010, 6:33 pm


