Simon Willison’s Weblog


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Vitamin Interviews: Simon Willison. Bobbie Johnson pointed a camera at me after my Future of Web Apps talk and interviewed me for eight minutes on OpenID. # 23rd March 2007, 1:41 am

My Future of Web Apps talk as a slidecast

The team at Carson Systems have a pretty quick turnaround on their podcasts; they’ve had full recordings of every speaker up for a few days now. I spent a bunch of time over the weekend splicing the recording of my talk together with my slides, and the result is now available at The Future of OpenID (a slidecast).

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Six cool things you can build with OpenID

I’ve posted the slides from my Future of Web Apps talk on OpenID, minus the demo videos. I’m planning to put together a video that combines the slides, demos and audio once the official podcasts have been published.

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OpenID at the Future of Web Apps

People seemed to really like my talk—they even laughed in the right places! I’ll be posting full notes, slides and writing an article for Vitamin over the next few days. For the moment I’m just enjoying coming down from the adrenaline high.

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Speaking at the Future of Web Apps

Just a quick update to say that I’ll be speaking at the Future of Web Apps conference in London on February the 21st, talking about OpenID. I really enjoyed last year’s event and feel honored to be included in such an exciting schedule.

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