Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged education in 2018

Filters: Year: 2018 × education × Sorted by date

Computational and Inferential Thinking: The Foundations of Data Science. Free online textbook written for the UC Berkeley Foundations of Data Science class. The examples are all provided as Jupyter notebooks, using the mybinder web application to allow students to launch interactive notebooks for any of the examples without having to install any software on their own machines. # 25th August 2018, 10:13 pm

At Harvard we’ve built out an infrastructure to allow us to deploy JupyterHub to courses with authentication managed by Canvas. It has allowed us to easily deploy complex set-ups to students so they can do really cool stuff without having to spend hours walking them through setup. Instructors are writing their lectures as IPython notebooks, and distributing them to students, who then work through them in their JupyterHub environment. Our most ambitious so far has been setting up each student in the course with a p2.xlarge machine with cuda and TensorFlow so they could do deep learning work for their final projects. We supported 15 courses last year, and got deployment time for an implementation down to only 2-3 hours.

Chris Rogers # 5th June 2018, 7:37 pm

Ask HN: What are the best MOOCs you’ve taken? Most useful Hacker News thread I’ve seen in a while: a torrent of great recommendations for online courses to learn everything from machine learning to astrophysics to songwriting. # 3rd April 2018, 5:17 pm



