Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged couchdb in Sep

Filters: Month: Sep × couchdb × Sorted by date

A Gentle Introduction to CouchDB for Relational Practitioners. By “High Performance MySQL” author Baron Schwartz—a smart, concise overview that touches pretty much everything that’s interesting about CouchDB. # 22nd September 2010, 9:51 pm

A CouchDB GUI front end. Written in C# and .NET. It looks like writing frontends for CouchDB could make an excellent project for learning a new GUI environment. # 12th September 2007, 11:59 pm

CouchDb: Some Context. CouchDb developer Jan Lehnardt wrote up detailed notes on slides from a presentation he gave back in June, explaining most of what’s interesting about CouchDb (although without the new JavaScript function query language). # 4th September 2007, 2:31 am

CouchDB: Thinking beyond the RDBMS. CouchDB is a fascinating project—an Erlang powered non-relational database with a JSON API that lets you define “views” (really computed tables) based on JavaScript functions that execute using map/reduce. Damien Katz, the main developer currently works for MySQL and used to work on Lotus Notes. # 3rd September 2007, 9:48 am