Simon Willison’s Weblog


Blogmarks tagged openid in Aug, 2007

Filters: Type: blogmark × Year: 2007 × Month: Aug × openid × Sorted by date

OpenID status update from Korea. Sounds like OpenID is making healthy progress there. # 19th August 2007, 6:10 pm

Group Membership Protocol Endpoint on LiveJournal. “All LiveJournal users and communities have their friend or member lists exposed via group membership protocol.” # 18th August 2007, 12:56 pm

Thoughts on the Social Graph. I think social network portability will happen within the next year. # 17th August 2007, 11:47 pm

A Change of Pace. David Recordon is heading back to Six Apart as Open Platforms Tech Lead, where it looks like he might get to work on social network portability. # 17th August 2007, 11:46 pm

VeriSign’s SeatBelt OpenID plugin for Firefox. The first good example of browser integration for OpenID. It catches phishing attempts by watching out for rogue OpenID consumers that don’t redirect to the right place. # 17th August 2007, 5:37 pm

Windows Live ID Web Authentication Released! Passport lives again! Who’s going to be first to build an for it? # 17th August 2007, 10:20 am

OpenID: Great idea, bewildering consumer experience. Realistic, detailed look at the many usability problems that currently surround OpenID—and a good list of suggested fixes at the end. This is why I’ve been advocating OpenID as a tool for early adopters: they can help smooth out the experience for everyone else. # 17th August 2007, 10:07 am

Grab them eyeballs! Any cred at all! Excellent argument for why large OpenID consumers shouldn’t be worried that other large providers will turn evil and hold their users hostage. What counts is the account, not the credential. # 16th August 2007, 9:16 pm

AOL & OpenID—Status Update. It looks like they’re whitelisting a small list of providers for the moment. I’m not sure what this means for delegation. # 15th August 2007, 6:34 pm