Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged ai, chatgpt in Dec, 2023

Filters: Year: 2023 × Month: Dec × ai × chatgpt × Sorted by date

OpenAI Begins Tackling ChatGPT Data Leak Vulnerability (via) ChatGPT has long suffered from a frustrating data exfiltration vector that can be triggered by prompt injection attacks: it can be instructed to construct a Markdown image reference to an image hosted anywhere, which means a successful prompt injection can request the model encode data (e.g. as base64) and then render an image which passes that data to an external server as part of the query string.

Good news: they’ve finally put measures in place to mitigate this vulnerability!

The fix is a bit weird though: rather than block all attempts to load images from external domains, they have instead added an additional API call which the frontend uses to check if an image is “safe” to embed before rendering it on the page.

This feels like a half-baked solution to me. It isn’t available in the iOS app yet, so that app is still vulnerable to these exfiltration attacks. It also seems likely that a suitable creative attack could still exfiltrate data in a way that outwits the safety filters, using clever combinations of data hidden in subdomains or filenames for example. # 21st December 2023, 4:10 am

When I speak in front of groups and ask them to raise their hands if they used the free version of ChatGPT, almost every hand goes up. When I ask the same group how many use GPT-4, almost no one raises their hand. I increasingly think the decision of OpenAI to make the “bad” AI free is causing people to miss why AI seems like such a huge deal to a minority of people that use advanced systems and elicits a shrug from everyone else.

Ethan Mollick # 10th December 2023, 8:17 pm