Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged javascript, webdevelopment in Jan, 2012

Filters: Year: 2012 × Month: Jan × javascript × webdevelopment × Sorted by date

How is JSON different then a JavaScript (programming language) object?

JSON is a carefully selected subset of JavaScript. A JSON object can only consist of dictionaries, strings, numbers (in JavaScript floating point and integers are treated as the same thing), lists, booleans and null. The spec on is a good guide:

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Is there a method to programmatically clear browser cache in JavaScript?


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Are there any performance drawbacks when rendering DOM views at runtime with JavaScript, rather than rendering server-sent HTML?

Yes, there is quite a significant impact on first-load performance. The browser has to pull down all of the linked scripts before it can display any content—if you’re using a library like jquery that’s a sizeable chuck of code that has to be loaded and executed just on its own.

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