Simon Willison’s Weblog


shot-scraper 1.6 with support for HTTP Archives. New release of my shot-scraper CLI tool for taking screenshots and scraping web pages.

The big new feature is HTTP Archive (HAR) support. The new shot-scraper har command can now create an archive of a page and all of its dependents like this:

shot-scraper har

This produces a datasette-io.har file (currently 163KB) which is JSON representing the full set of requests used to render that page. Here's a copy of that file. You can visualize that here using

The HAR viewer shows a line for each of the loaded resources, with options to view timing information

That JSON includes full copies of all of the responses, base64 encoded if they are binary files such as images.

You can add the --zip flag to instead get a file, containing JSON data in har.har but with the response bodies saved as separate files in that archive.

The shot-scraper multi command lets you run shot-scraper against multiple URLs in sequence, specified using a YAML file. That command now takes a --har option (or --har-zip or --har-file name-of-file), described in the documentation, which will produce a HAR at the same time as taking the screenshots.

Shots are usually defined in YAML that looks like this:

- output:
- output:

You can now omit the output: keys and generate a HAR file without taking any screenshots at all:

- url:
- url:

Run like this:

shot-scraper multi shots.yml --har

Which outputs:

Skipping screenshot of ''
Skipping screenshot of ''
Wrote to HAR file: trace.har

shot-scraper is built on top of Playwright, and the new features use the browser.new_context(record_har_path=...) parameter.