Simon Willison’s Weblog


datasette-checkbox. I built this fun little Datasette plugin today, inspired by a conversation I had in Datasette Office Hours.

If a user has the update-row permission and the table they are viewing has any integer columns with names that start with is_ or should_ or has_, the plugin adds interactive checkboxes to that table which can be toggled to update the underlying rows.

This makes it easy to quickly spin up an interface that allows users to review and update boolean flags in a table.

Animated demo showing checkboxes in columns for is_done, should_be_deleted and is_happy - checking the checkboxes shows an updated message next to each one which then fades away.

I have ambitions for a much more advanced version of this, where users can do things like add or remove tags from rows directly in that table interface - but for the moment this is a neat starting point, and it only took an hour to build (thanks to help from Claude to build an initial prototype, chat transcript here).