Simon Willison’s Weblog


Sunday, 4th September 2022

Grokking Stable Diffusion (via) Jonathan Whitaker built this interactive Jupyter notebook that walks through how to use Stable Diffusion from Python step-by-step, and then dives deep into helping understand the different components of the implementation, including how text is encoded, how the diffusion loop works and more. This is by far the most useful tool I’ve seen yet for understanding how this model actually works. You can run Jonathan’s notebook directly on Google Colab, with a GPU.

# 6:50 pm / jupyter, stable-diffusion, generative-ai, text-to-image

For these reasons, I don’t think I’ll be using Midjourney or any similar tool to illustrate my newsletter going forward (an exception would be if I were writing about the technology at a later date and wanted to show examples). Even though the job wouldn’t go to a different, deserving, human artist, I think the optics are shitty, and I do worry about having any role in helping to set any kind of precedent in this direction.

Charlie Warzel

# 9:06 pm / ai, ethics, midjourney, generative-ai, text-to-image, ai-ethics

2022 » September
