Simon Willison’s Weblog


Saturday, 27th February 2021

cosmopolitan libc (via) “Cosmopolitan makes C a build-once run-anywhere language, similar to Java, except it doesn’t require interpreters or virtual machines be installed beforehand. [...] Instead, it reconfigures stock GCC to output a POSIX-approved polyglot format that runs natively on Linux + Mac + Windows + FreeBSD + OpenBSD + BIOS with the best possible performance and the tiniest footprint imaginable.” This is a spectacular piece of engineering.

# 6:02 am / c, cosmopolitan

unasync (via) Today I started wondering out loud if one could write code that takes an asyncio Python library and transforms it into the synchronous equivalent by using some regular expressions to strip out the “await ...” keywords and suchlike. Turns out that can indeed work, and Ratan Kulshreshtha built it! unasync uses the standard library tokenize module to run some transformations against an async library and spit out the sync version automatically. I’m now considering using this for sqlite-utils.

# 10:20 pm / async, python

2021 » February