Simon Willison’s Weblog


Thursday, 29th March 2018

Use The Index, Luke! Paging Through Results (via) The best explanation of keyset pagination I’ve seen. Keyset pagination is where instead of using OFFSET/LIMIT to return the next page of results you instead track the last seen value in the column you sort by and then return the next X results that follow it. This allows you to paginate to arbitrarily deep offsets within a table, whereas OFFSET/LIMIT requires first iterating across all preceding rows and tends to stop working well after the first few thousand results.

# 5:30 pm / sql

Watching companies gradually realize "blockchain is just super expensive consensus and only makes sense for untrusted counterparties" is a wild, expensive trip

Kyle Kingsbury

# 9:25 pm / blockchain

The original Reddit source code, written in Lisp in 2005 (via) “If anyone’s interested, I found a hard drive in my garage with the original Reddit Lisp code from 2005. Been looking for it for years. Enjoy.”—spez

# 10:13 pm / reddit, lisp

import-pypi. A devious Python 3 hack which abuses importlib.machinery to add a hook such that any time you type “import modulename” it checks to see if the module is installed and runs “pip install modulename” first if it isn’t. Intended as a joke, but if you habitually fire up temporary virtual environments for exploratory programming like I do this could actually be a neat little time-saver.

# 10:16 pm / virtualenv, pypi, python

2018 » March
