Simon Willison’s Weblog


Friday, 7th February 2003

Meetup needs work

It looks like Scott got burned by a PHP MeetUp arranged at an out of business restaurant that then failed to materialise at all. From his comments it seems like he’s not the only person to hit problems. I have yet to attend a meetup (the Bristol UK ones rarely have anyone sign up for them) but I love the concept, so it’s a real shame to hear about problems like this. Hopefully the MeetUp team are working on ways to stop this kind of thing from happening—some kind of short-lived email mailing list for each location/event might go some way to ensuring people who sign up for them know what’s going on and bother to show up. At least their recent changes page shows that they have been actively trying to improve the overall experience.

Real girls eat beef

Cool-2B-Real is a site for teenage girls. Real girls are “keepin’ it real” by building strong bodies and strong minds... and they’re feeling great about themselves! It has health and fitness tips, tips on feeling good about yourself, a poll (“What type of beef do you most like to eat with your friends?”), and a set of Smart Snackin’ recipes such as Nacho Beef Dip, Beef on Bamboo, Easy Beef Chili and Roast Beef and Veggie Wrap. And beef games too.

[... 110 words]

Help needed

Does anyone know if it is possible to find an HTML element’s exact position on the page (in terms of pixels-from-the-top and pixels-from-the-left) using javascript? The element I have in mind is an image that has not had any positioning applied to it, but I imagine any solution will work for other elements as well. I need something that works in Mozilla/Phoenix, although a solution for IE would be nice as well. It’s for a bookmarklet I’m thinking of writing.

2003 » February
