Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for webstock

4 posts tagged “webstock”


Who is attending Webstock 2011 in Wellington, New Zealand?

We have a list of 46 Twitter users who are attending Webstock 2011 here:

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Interviewing Simon Willison about OpenID. I sat down with Vikram Kumar at Webstock to talk about OpenID, and the video is now online.

# 30th March 2008, 6:40 pm / webstock, webstock08, vikramkumar, openid

Django at PyCon. Unfortunately I’ll be missing US PyCon this year (I’ll be at SxSW and Webstock in New Zealand though)—but it’s great to see that there’s a strong line-up of Django related presentations.

# 21st January 2008, 9:54 pm / django, pycon, python, sxsw, webstock, conferences


Webstock 2008—New Zealand’s web conference. I’m speaking next year in New Zealand! Very excited, plan to spend most of February there to make the most of the flights.

# 18th September 2007, 12:02 pm / newzealand, speaking, webstock, webstock2008, travel