Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for thrift

2 posts tagged “thrift”


Introducing BERT and BERT-RPC. Justification for inventing a brand new serialisation protocol: Thrift and Protocol Buffers both use IDLs and code generation, XML “is not convertible to a simple unambiguous data structure in any language I’ve ever used” and JSON lacks support for unencoded binary data. The result is BERT—Binary ERlang Term—which extracts a format from Erlang in much the same way that JSON extracted one from JavaScript.

# 21st October 2009, 10:11 pm / protocolbuffers, json, erlang, javascript, serialisation, thrift, xml, github


simple-thrift-queue (via) Phillip Pearson’s surprisingly concise in-memory message queue written in Python using Facebook’s Thrift library (which is similar to Protocol Buffers, but was open sourced much earlier on). Handles 4,000 requests per second on a laptop.

# 4th August 2008, 12:27 pm / messaging, phillip-pearson, python, facebook, thrift, protocolbuffers, message-queues