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2 posts tagged “themachinethatchangedtheworld”


The Machine That Changed the World: The Paperback Computer. This third episode (the second has also been published) is awesome—Sketchpad (the first GUI), NLS, Xerox PARC, the Homebrew Computer Club, Apple and the Macintosh, Lotus 123, Microsoft, and Virtual Reality presented as the “future” of computing. Worth investing an hour to watch it.

# 6th June 2008, 8:18 pm / themachinethatchangedtheworld, thedreammachine, sketchpad, parc, xeroxparc, apple, macintosh, microsoft, vr

The Machine That Changed the World: Great Brains. I’ve been really enjoying Andy Baio’s series of out-of-print documentaries on technology and the internet, so a few weeks ago I got in touch with him to tip him off about the existence of “The Dream Machine”, a series on the history of computers from 1992 that had a huge effect on my then 11-year-old self. Thanks to Twitter, Jesse Legg and Andy’s awesome foraging skills he’s dug up the US version (same series, different name) and is posting it online. I really can’t recommend it enough!

# 3rd June 2008, 6:11 pm / thedreammachine, documentary, andy-baio, themachinethatchangedtheworld, jesselegg