Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for sessionfixation

2 posts tagged “sessionfixation”


OAuth Security Advisory 2009.1. It’s a show-stopper: an attacker can start an OAuth permission request flow from a consumer site, then trick another user from the same site in to completing that flow and hence authorising the attacker to act on their behalf. A fix to the spec is forthcoming; in the meantime, don’t start an OAuth flow from an untrusted location.

# 23rd April 2009, 3:06 pm / ouath, security, sessionfixation


Rails 1.2.4: Maintenance release. “Session fixation attacks are mitigated by removing support for URL-based sessions”—I’ve always hated URL-based sessions; I’d be interested to hear if their removal from Rails causes legitimate problems for anyone.

# 5th October 2007, 11:42 pm / rails, sessions, sessionfixation, security