Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for promise

2 posts tagged “promise”


kriszyp’s node-promise. Another elegant approach to managing asynchronous flows in Node, including running things both in parallel and serial.

# 28th February 2010, 3:50 pm / node, javascript, callbacks, nodejs, promise

node-v0.1.30 (via) A very significant new release of Node.js: the Twisted/Dojo-style Promise abstraction has been removed entirely, causing backwards incompatible changes to a bunch of core APIs. This means the pseudo-blocking Promise.wait() method is gone too, making it even harder to accidentally block your event loop. Instead, user-level libraries are encouraged to add Promise-style abstractions. I’m pleased to see Node sticking to the low-level stuff.

# 22nd February 2010, 7 pm / node, nodejs, javascript, promise, twisted, dojo, async