3 posts tagged “magic”
Augmenting photos—with OSM! “You climbed up a mountain and took a photo ... but it’s 2009! Why doesn’t it have all kind of magic over the top of it.”—Marmota matches your landscape photos to height field data, then overlays data from OpenStreetMap mapped to the contours of the photograph.
djangopony.com (via) “Magic that can’t be removed”
The Perl community has a long-standing love/hate-affair with making changes that impose "spooky action at a distance". They call it "black magic" and it is generally considered it a last resort. Black Magic that makes GLOBAL changes to things like inheritance is often characterised as being "Octarine" (see disk world novels), because it tends to work ok when there's only one person doing it, but start to mix a few together and KABOOM!