5 posts tagged “jason-calacanis”
The First Ten Things the New CEO of MySpace Should Do. From the always thought provoking Jason Calacanis.
How to launch a new product. Jason Calacanis explains how they launched Mahalo Answers, including tips or running your own PR (Jason used to be a reporter so he’s played both sides of that fence).
Right now Facebook's position on 3rd party developers is amazing and I'm sure they are genuine in their support. However, give Facebook two missed quarters as a public company and they might not have no choice but to squeeze every ounce of revenue out of Facebook. That squeeze might include competing with the current crop of Facebook developers.
Facebook Bankruptcy. I have exactly the same problem.
Why people hate SEO... (and why SMO is bulls$%t). Jason Calacanis explains SMO, or “Social Media Optimisation”—digg spamming now has its own TLA.