Simon Willison’s Weblog

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3 posts tagged “ffs”


Microsoft backs long life for IE6. Oh FFS... “The software giant said it would support IE6 until 2014—four years beyond the original deadline.”

# 14th August 2009, 2:53 pm / ie6, ffs, microsoft, ie, browsers

Coding Horror: A Scripter at Heart. Sigh. I cannot believe that the false distinction between “scripting” and “programming” is still being discussed.

# 26th January 2009, 6:06 pm / scripting, programming, ffs, flamewars, jeff-atwood


Google wants your Hotmail, Yahoo and AOL contacts. And they’re using the password anti-pattern to get them! Despite both Yahoo! and Hotmail (and Google themselves; not sure about AOL) offering a safe, OAuth-style API for retrieving contacts without asking for a password. This HAS to be a communications failure somewhere within Google. Big internet companies stand to lose the most from widespread abuse of the anti-pattern, because they’re the ones most likely to be targetted by phishers. Shameful.

# 15th September 2008, 10:39 am / shameful, google, passwordantipattern, oauth, aol, yahoo, hotmail, ffs, security, phishing