Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for datagov

3 posts tagged “datagov”


GOV.UK Registers (via) Canonical sources of “lists of information” intended for use by GDS teams building software for the UK government, but available for anyone. 17 registers are “ready for use”, 45 are “in progress”. Covers things like the FCO’s country list, the official list of prison estates, and DEFRA’s list of public bodies in England that manage drainage systems.

# 7th November 2017, 3:31 pm / government, open-data, datagov, gov-uk


About 80 per cent of public sector data mentions a place. Making Ordnance Survey data more freely available will encourage more effective exploitation of public data by businesses, individuals and community organisations.

Stephen Timms, Minister for Digital Britain

# 17th November 2009, 6:10 pm / ordnancesurvey, mapping, datagov, stephen-timms

Re-mapping the future for Ordnance Survey—making public data public. “The Prime Minister and Communities Secretary John Denham will today announce that the public will have more access to Ordnance Survey maps from next year, as part of a Government drive to open up data to improve transparency.”

# 17th November 2009, 6:09 pm / ordnancesurvey, mapping, datagov