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3 posts tagged “closure”


Closure Compiler Service (via) A hosted version of the Google Closure Compiler (JavaScript minifier) running on App Engine. It has both a user interface and a REST API, which means you can use it as part of an automated build process without needing to set up a local copy of the software.

# 9th August 2010, 1:17 pm / apis, closure, google, javascript, minification, rest, recovered


It’s interesting to me how much [Closure] feels like a more advanced version of Dojo in many ways. There's a familiar package system, the widgets are significantly more mature, and Julie and Ojan's Editor component rocks. The APIs will feel familiar (if verbose) to Dojo users, the class hierarchies seem natural, and Closure even uses Acme, the Dojo CSS selector engine.

Alex Russell

# 6th November 2009, 7:35 am / alex-russell, closure, acme, css, dojo, javascript, google

Introducing Closure Tools. Google have released the pure-JavaScript library, apparently used for Gmail, Google Docs and Google Maps. It comes with a powerful JavaScript optimiser tool with linting built in and an accompanying Firebug extension to ensure the obfuscated code it produces can still be debugged. There’s also a template system which precompiles down to JavaScript and can also be called from Java.

# 6th November 2009, 7:33 am / closure, google, javascript, libraries, firebug, gmail, google-docs