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2 posts tagged “andrew-gallant”


Jiff (via) Andrew Gallant (aka BurntSushi) implemented regex for Rust and built the fabulous ripgrep, so it's worth paying attention to their new projects.

Jiff is a brand new datetime library for Rust which focuses on "providing high level datetime primitives that are difficult to misuse and have reasonable performance". The API design is heavily inspired by the Temporal proposal for JavaScript.

The core type provided by Jiff is Zoned, best imagine as a 96-bit integer nanosecond time since the Unix each combined with a geographic region timezone and a civil/local calendar date and clock time.

The documentation is comprehensive and a fascinating read if you're interested in API design and timezones.

# 22nd July 2024, 4:48 am / api-design, rust, timezones, andrew-gallant


ripgrep is faster than {grep, ag, git grep, ucg, pt, sift} (via) Andrew Gallant's post from September 2016 introducing ripgrep, the command-line grep tool he wrote using Rust (on top of the Rust regular expression library also written by Andrew). ripgrep is a beautifully designed CLI interface and is crazy fast, and this post describes how it gets its performance in a huge amount of detail, right down to comparing the different algorithmic approaches used by other similar tools.

I recently learned that ripgrep ships as part of VS Code, which is why VS Code's search-across-project feature is so fast. In fact, if you dig around in the OS X package you can find the rg binary already installed on your mac:

find /Applications/Visual* | grep bin/rg

# 16th April 2019, 5:52 pm / rust, cli, ripgrep, vs-code, andrew-gallant