Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged mistral in Feb, 2024

Filters: Year: 2024 × Month: Feb × mistral × Sorted by date

Mistral Large. Mistral Medium only came out two months ago, and now it’s followed by Mistral Large. Like Medium, this new model is currently only available via their API. It scores well on benchmarks (though not quite as well as GPT-4) but the really exciting feature is function support, clearly based on OpenAI’s own function design.

Functions are now supported via the Mistral API for both Mistral Large and the new Mistral Small, described as follows: “Mistral Small, optimised for latency and cost. Mistral Small outperforms Mixtral 8x7B and has lower latency, which makes it a refined intermediary solution between our open-weight offering and our flagship model.” # 26th February 2024, 11:23 pm

Representation Engineering: Mistral-7B on Acid (via) Theia Vogel provides a delightfully clear explanation (and worked examples) of control vectors—a relatively recent technique for influencing the behaviour of an LLM by applying vectors to the hidden states that are evaluated during model inference.

These vectors are surprisingly easy to both create and apply. Build a small set of contrasting prompt pairs—“Act extremely happy” v.s. “Act extremely sad” for example (with a tiny bit of additional boilerplate), then run a bunch of those prompts and collect the hidden layer states. Then use “single-component PCA” on those states to get a control vector representing the difference.

The examples Theia provides, using control vectors to make Mistral 7B more or less honest, trippy, lazy, creative and more, are very convincing. # 18th February 2024, 3:49 am



