Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged mobile in 2007

Filters: Year: 2007 × mobile × Sorted by date

DeWitt Clinton: T-Mobile and Twitter. “If you think the rest of Internet needs net neutrality laws, that’s nothing compared with the backward-facing worldview of the established mobile carriers.” # 15th December 2007, 12:26 pm

CSS3 and the death of Handheld Stylesheets. I hadn’t looked at CSS 3 media queries before (which let you apply different styles based on media features such as screen width, height and colour availability)—they seem like a much smarter solution that handheld stylesheets and also appear to be preferred by device vendors. # 16th November 2007, 9:53 am

New A-GPS service for Nokia phones. Appears to look up your cell ID against a global database to find nearby satellites, dramatically reducing the time needed to get a GPS fix. # 6th August 2007, 11:26 pm

Once people see that a pretty good phone can be a pretty good mobile computer, they won’t settle for less anymore; and mobile networks will be pried open.

Ed Felten # 29th June 2007, 4:58 pm