Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged jobs in 2013

Filters: Year: 2013 × jobs × Sorted by date

What’s the best way to reach out to alumni if you’re interested in working at their company?

Yes, it’s fine. Many tech companies have a referral bonus for employees that help them make a good hire, and any alumni you contact will be able to forward your details straight on to the recruiting department.

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What are ways to avoid getting discouraged while searching for a job as a software developer?

Do you have any programming side-projects? If not, I suggest starting one. You’ll learn a bunch, it will impress interviewers (and help you pull ahead of other candidates) and it will help you build confidence in your own skills.

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Http:// I’ve been contacted by this ABS to pursue some kind of degree leading to lots of money. It definitely looks like a scam, but is it? Has anyone actually done business with them? Are they legit?

When this exact same question was asked on Yahoo Answers a couple of months ago someone showed up the same day with a very positive testimonial. I wonder if the same thing will happen here on Quora.

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