Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged google, googleappengine

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App Engine: Scheduled Tasks With Cron. Cron tasks simply hit a URL on your application, and can be run as frequently as once a minute. They made up their own syntax, which much nicer than traditional unix cron. # 8th April 2009, 2:04 pm

Sharding Counters on Google App Engine. “While the datastore for App Engine scales to support a huge number of entities it is important to note that you can only expect to update any single entity, or entity-group, about five times a second”. This article explains a technique for sharding writes across multiple counters in detail, including a way to keep a memcache counter updated at the same time for faster reads. # 27th January 2009, 8:27 pm

Using Memcache with Google App Engine. Brad Fitzpatrick’s 20% time project. # 28th May 2008, 11:11 pm

OpenID for Google Accounts. Google App Engine integrates with Google’s user accounts, so Ryan Barrett (of Google) used it to build an style OpenID provider. # 9th April 2008, 1:09 am

The Google App Engine model class, db.Model, is not the same as the model class used by Django. As a result, you cannot directly use the Django forms framework with Google App Engine. However, Google App Engine includes a module, db.djangoforms, which casts between the datastore models used with Google App Engine and the Django models specification. In most cases, you can use db.djangoforms.ModelForm in the same manner as the Django framework.

Google App Engine docs # 8th April 2008, 1:48 pm

Running Django on Google App Engine. Django 0.96 is included, but you need to disable the ORM related parts and use the Google App Engine Bigtable interface instead. # 8th April 2008, 1:15 pm

Google App Engine. Write applications in Python using a WSGI compatible application framework, then host them on Google’s highly scalable infrastructure. The most exciting part is probably the Datastore API, which provides external developers with access to Bigtable for the first time. # 8th April 2008, 7:25 am