Simon Willison’s Weblog


Blogmarks tagged github, observable in 2024

Filters: Type: blogmark × Year: 2024 × github × observable × Sorted by date

GitHub Public repo history tool (via) I built this Observable Notebook to run queries against the GH Archive (via ClickHouse) to try to answer questions about repository history—in particular, were they ever made public as opposed to private in the past.

It works by combining together PublicEvent event (moments when a private repo was made public) with the most recent PushEvent event for each of a user’s repositories. # 20th March 2024, 9:56 pm

Observable notebook: URL to download a GitHub repository as a zip file (via) GitHub broke the “right click -> copy URL” feature on their Download ZIP button a few weeks ago. I’m still hoping they fix that, but in the meantime I built this Observable Notebook to generate ZIP URLs for any GitHub repo and any branch or commit hash.

Update 30th January 2024: GitHub have fixed the bug now, so right click -> Copy URL works again on that button. # 29th January 2024, 9:17 pm



