Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged git in 2019

Filters: Year: 2019 × git × Sorted by date

Repository driven development (via) I’m already a big fan of keeping documentation and code in the same repo so you can update them both from within the same code review, but this takes it even further: in repository driven development every aspect of the code and configuration needed to define, document, test and ship a service live in the service repository—all the way down to the configurations for reporting dashboards. This sounds like heaven. # 24th July 2019, 8:41 am

Generating a commit log for San Francisco’s official list of trees

San Francisco has a neat open data portal (as do an increasingly large number of cities these days). For a few years my favourite file on there has been Street Tree List, a list of all 190,000 trees in the city maintained by the Department of Public Works.

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