Simon Willison’s Weblog


Blogmarks tagged curl in 2021

Filters: Type: blogmark × Year: 2021 × curl × Sorted by date

Hurl (via) Hurl is “a command line tool that runs HTTP requests defined in a simple plain text format”—written in Rust on top of curl, it lets you run HTTP requests and then execute assertions against the response, defined using JSONPath or XPath for HTML. It can even assert that responses were returned within a specified duration. # 22nd November 2021, 3:32 am

Making world-class docs takes effort (via) Curl maintainer Daniel Stenberg writes about his principles for good documentation. I agree with all of these: he emphasizes keeping docs in the repo, avoiding the temptation to exclusively generate them from code, featuring examples and ensuring every API you provide has documentation. Daniel describes an approach similar to the documentation unit tests I’ve been using for my own projects: he has scripts which scan the curl documentation to ensure not only that everything is documented but that each documentation area contains the same sections in the same order. # 6th September 2021, 6:58 pm (via) I really like this: “curl” gives you your IP address as plain text, “curl” tells you your city according to MaxMind GeoLite2, “curl” gives you all sorts of useful extra data. Suggested rate limit is one per minute, but the code is open source Go that you can run yourself. # 30th March 2021, 7:53 pm



