Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged csv, datajournalism

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VisiData (via) Intriguing tool by Saul Pwanson: VisiData is a command-line “textpunk utility” for browsing and manipulating tabular data. “pip3 install visidata” and then “vd myfile.csv” (or .json or .xls or SQLite orothers) and get an interactive terminal UI for quickly searching through the data, conducting frequency analysis of columns, manipulating it and much more besides. Two tips for if you start playing with it: hit “gq” to exit, and hit “Ctrl+H” to view the help screen. # 18th March 2019, 3:45 am

Generating a commit log for San Francisco’s official list of trees

San Francisco has a neat open data portal (as do an increasingly large number of cities these days). For a few years my favourite file on there has been Street Tree List, a list of all 190,000 trees in the city maintained by the Department of Public Works.

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