Simon Willison’s Weblog


Blogmarks tagged recovered in Sep, 2010

Filters: Type: blogmark × Year: 2010 × Month: Sep × recovered × Sorted by date

Velocity: Forcing Gzip Compression. Almost every browser supports gzip these days, but 15% of web requests have had their Accept-Encoding header stripped or mangled, generally due to poorly implemented proxies or anti-virus software. Steve Souders passes on a trick used by Google Search, where an iframe is used to test the browser’s gzip support and set a cookie to force gzipping of future pages. # 30th September 2010, 5:45 pm

evercookie—virtually irrevocable persistent cookies (via) Mischievous genius from the chap who created the MySpace worm—evercookie attempts to set an irrevocable cookie using a whole bunch of different methods, including “storing cookies in RGB values of auto-generated, force-cached PNGs using HTML5 Canvas tag to read pixels back out” and an extremely clever scheme built on top of the web history CSS visited link colour vulnerability. # 23rd September 2010, 1:35 am

Google Chrome Frame: Stable and Speedy (via) “Today, we’re very happy to take the Beta tag off of Google Chrome Frame and promote it to the Stable channel.”—MSI installer included, for IT administrators to easily deploy Chrome Frame to multiple machines. # 23rd September 2010, 1:34 am

I pushed 20 more of my projects to GitHub. Some great Node.js stuff here from Peteris Krumins, including modules for processing PNG, JPEG and animated GIFs. # 23rd September 2010, 1:18 am

ijson. A SAX-style streaming JSON parser for Python, using ctypes to talk to the yajl C library. # 22nd September 2010, 9:59 pm

A Gentle Introduction to CouchDB for Relational Practitioners. By “High Performance MySQL” author Baron Schwartz—a smart, concise overview that touches pretty much everything that’s interesting about CouchDB. # 22nd September 2010, 9:51 pm

Creating Shazam in Java. Using a Fast Fourier Transformation. # 22nd September 2010, 9:39 pm

Welcome to Lanyrd | The Lanyrd Blog. We’ve started a blog for Lanyrd, our social conference directory project. We’re off to a great start: “Lanyrd is now listing 1,508 conferences and 5,167 individual speaker profiles. 5,637 people have signed in to the site and made 13,293 edits to our data.” # 11th September 2010, 9:32 pm

ZeroMQ: Modern and Fast Networking Stack. I get ZeroMQ now. I was having trouble figuring out how it differed from things like RabbitMQ—it turns out it’s an entirely new low-level socket abstraction, designed to make common socket programming tasks like message sending/receiving and publish/subscribe a whole lot easier than dealing with raw BSD sockets. # 5th September 2010, 7:41 pm

Vox is closing on September 30, 2010. One month seems like very short notice for closing a service of this size, especially since it functions as an OpenID provider so in addition to migrating their content away users may need to sign in to other services and set up an alternative form of authentication. UPDATE: From the comments, Vox accounts that migrate to TypePad will also have their OpenID migrated, and TypePad will continue to serve OpenID requests for old addresses. Smart solution. # 3rd September 2010, 8:50 am

The Seven Secrets of Successful Data Scientists. Some sensible advice, including pick the right sized tool, compress everything, split up your data, use open source and run the analysis where the data is. # 3rd September 2010, 12:36 am

Setting up Munin on Ubuntu. Useful guide to setting up my favourite graphing/monitoring tool for personal projects. # 1st September 2010, 2:05 pm